Our Nurse Practitioners are trained and qualified in diagnosing, treating and/or referring the following services in the community:
- Prescribing Oral Contraception and Progesterone Injections
- Skin, Eyes, Ear, Nose, Throat and Upper Respiratory Infections
- Acute episodes of Diarrhoea, Vomiting, Nausea & Headachesli
- Travel and Immunisation Health
- Basic Wound Care including removals or sutures/staples
- Repeat scripts and monitoring for Hypertension
- Repeat Scripts and monitoring for Gasto-Oesphageal Reflux
- Repeat scripts and monitoring for Diabetes
- Repeat Scripts and monitoring for Cholesterol
- Repeat Scripts and monitoring for Warfarin
- Repeat Scripts and monitoring for Antidepressants
- Sexual Health Screening and Referral
- Medical Certificates for Illness
- Ear Irrigations
- Injections of already Prescribed medications
- Skin assessment and referrals
- Urine Drug Testing
- Basic Medical Assessments
- Routine Blood Pressure Monitoring
- PLUS MUCH MORE..... Call us on (08) 9321 6411 To see if we can help you.
Our Convenient Care Clinics meet the core needs of a ‘healthy’ functioning community, thereby creating a reliable, convenient place to be assessed and treated without the hindrance of poor location, waiting lists, and waiting rooms (sometimes full of infectious people).
Health promotion, education and follow up management of conditions are implied in the best practice mantra of the company, ensuring that ALL patients are given appropriate treatments within the scope of the Nurse Practitioner.